Blog Post Series: Navigating Today’s Challenges Through a Biblical Lens: A Comparison of Presidential Platforms

In a world increasingly shaped by political ideologies and social movements, it’s easy to get swept up in the wave of opinions that flood our newsfeeds, conversations, and voting booths. Yet as followers of Christ, we are called to a different standard—one that is not dictated by political trends or party lines, but by the eternal truth of God’s Word.

This blog series, Navigating Today’s Challenges Through a Biblical Lens: A Comparison of Presidential Platforms, seeks to provide a thoughtful analysis of the 2024 presidential election through the lens of a biblical worldview. By examining the candidates’ platforms on key issues, we aim to discern how closely they align with or diverge from biblical principles. This isn’t about endorsing a particular candidate or party, but about encouraging believers to engage critically and prayerfully with the political process, always with an eye toward God’s truth.

A Personal Note

I understand that discussing these subjects could be considered controversial, but I truly believe the opposite of the statement “Don’t talk about religion and politics.”

 As Charles Colson once said,

“Christians are called to be the conscience of the culture. When we cease to be that, our faith loses its relevance.” 

As Christians, we are called to engage with culture, to be a voice of truth and light in a world that desperately needs it.

I don’t claim to have all the answers or to be right on every issue. All I’m doing is using the best of my ability to interpret Scripture and let the candidates’ platforms speak for themselves. My hope is to provide you with a resource that helps you think critically and biblically about these issues.

It’s okay if you don’t agree with me—sometimes, I don’t even agree with myself! But let’s have a discussion. Open dialogue and civil discourse are not only good but healthy. Disagreements are inevitable, but let’s approach them with love and a sincere desire to seek the truth in God’s Word.

Why This Matters

With so much at stake—religious freedom, the sanctity of life, marriage, and justice—evaluating political platforms through a biblical lens isn’t just an intellectual exercise; it’s a matter of faithful stewardship. As Proverbs 14:34 reminds us, “Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a disgrace to any people.” Our vote should reflect our commitment to righteousness, justice, and truth as revealed in Scripture.

Series List

In this series, we’ll explore the following topics:

Part 1 - Setting the Stage: Why Biblical Worldview Matters in Today’s Political Landscape
Part 2 - Life Matters: Abortion and Euthanasia in the 2024 Election
Part 3 - Marriage Redefined: Biblical Ethics and Modern Policies
Part 4 - Faith Under Fire: Religious Freedom in the Political Arena
Part 5 - Building Strong Families: Parental Rights and Educational Policies
Part 6 - Justice for All: Social Justice and Biblical Righteousness
Part 7 - Caring for God’s Creation: Environmental Policies and Biblical Stewardship
Part 8 - Leading with Integrity: Truth in Politics and Biblical Ethics
Part 9 - Loving Our Neighbors: Policies on Healthcare and Social Services
Part 10 - Economic Justice: Biblical Stewardship and Economic Policies in the 2024 Election
Part 11 - Welcoming the Stranger: Biblical Views on Immigration and Border Security
Part 12 - Making Informed Decisions: Voting with a Biblical Worldview

Each post will begin by exploring the biblical perspective on the issue at hand, followed by an analysis of the presidential candidates’ positions. Our goal is not to tell you how to vote, but to equip you with the biblical insights you need to make informed, faith-driven decisions at the polls.

As we dive into these complex topics, let’s remember the words of James 1:5: “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” May this series be a tool for wisdom, guiding you to vote in a way that honors God and upholds His truth in every area of life.

Let’s journey together through this exploration of how we can faithfully navigate the political challenges of our day, standing firm on the unchanging Word of God.

Note about Sources

I relied on 3 main sources for the canidates positions on these issues:

For the Democrats:
For the Rebublicans:
For Donald Trump:

Note:  As of the writing of this series, Kamala Harris did not have a published platform on
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Chris Reighley

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