The Prophecy of Christmas
Nov 4, 2018 • Chris Reighley
The Prophecy of Christmas
How Accurate is the Prophecy of Christmas in the Bible?
A. How accurate is (was) the Bible in predicting the birth of Jesus?
B. The Christmas Story
C. The Creation Story
D. The Garden
E. The Prophetic Highway Markers
1. The Seed of the Women
F. The Flood
G. The Tower of Babel
H. The Prophetic Highway Markers
2. Abraham – Nation
3. Isaac
4. Jacob
5. Tribe of Judah
6. Line of David
7. A Child is Born
8. Born in Bethlehem
9. Born of a Virgin
10. Jesus born to Die
11. Jesus Redeemer
12. Jesus to Come Again
This series was taught by Chris Reighley for the Sunday Night Bible Study at Rolling Hills Community Church in Lago Vista, Texas.
For notes on these lessons please visit