Leading with Integrity: Truth in Politics and Biblical Ethics

The 2024 presidential election presents a critical moment for the United States. As Christians, we find ourselves grappling with the moral complexities of a political system that increasingly seems detached from biblical truth. In a landscape marked by deceit, manipulation, and polarization, the question of integrity in leadership becomes paramount.

While both major candidates, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, offer different visions for America’s future, neither fully aligns with the biblical standards of truth and integrity.

However, Trump’s affirmations of faith, despite his many flaws, provide a slight, though hesitant, preference for those seeking some acknowledgment of God in the public square.

In this post, we will critically examine the platforms of both candidates through the lens of biblical ethics, highlighting where they fall short of upholding the truth and integrity that Scripture demands. We will also critique the broader political system and media, which often contribute to the erosion of these values.

What the Bible Says About Truth and Integrity

The Bible consistently emphasizes the importance of truth and integrity, especially for those in leadership. Proverbs 12:22 clearly states,

“Lying lips are an abomination to Yahweh, but those who deal faithfully are His delight.”

This verse serves as a stark reminder that honesty is non-negotiable for those who wish to lead in a manner pleasing to God.

In Ephesians 4:25, Paul exhorts believers to

“lay aside falsehood, speak truth each one of you with his neighbor, for we are members of one another.”

This command is particularly relevant for leaders whose words and actions impact entire nations. The integrity of a leader is foundational not only to their character but to the trust they build with those they serve.

John MacArthur, in “The Power of Integrity,” stresses that “integrity is the foundation of Christian character. It is the hallmark of a life that is devoted to God.” For those in leadership, this means a consistent alignment of words and actions with biblical truth, regardless of personal or political cost.

Where the Candidates Stand on Truth and Integrity

Donald Trump and the Republican Party

Donald Trump’s 2024 campaign is heavily grounded in the concept of “America First,” which emphasizes national sovereignty, economic independence, and a strong military. The platform claims to be a return to “common sense” and promises to restore America to its former greatness (Republican National Committee, 2024). While these goals resonate with many, particularly those concerned with the nation’s direction, Trump’s relationship with the truth has been problematic.

During his previous presidency, Trump was frequently accused of spreading misinformation. Fact-checking organizations documented numerous falsehoods, ranging from exaggerations about economic achievements to misleading statements about public health and national security. For example, Trump’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic often involved downplaying the severity of the virus, contradicting public health experts, and even spreading unverified treatments (Republican National Committee, 2024).

Moreover, the Republican platform, while advocating for strong borders, energy independence, and economic reform, also perpetuates a narrative of victimhood and resistance against an alleged “deep state” and “radical left.” This rhetoric, while energizing to Trump’s base, often skews the truth and simplifies complex issues into a battle of good versus evil, with little room for nuance or honest discourse (Republican National Committee, 2024).

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party

Kamala Harris’s platform, as part of the Democratic Party, emphasizes social justice, equity, and government transparency. Her campaign highlights the importance of honesty in government and seeks to restore public trust through transparency and accountability (Democratic Party, 2020). However, Harris’s record, particularly during her tenure as California’s Attorney General, reveals inconsistencies that challenge her commitment to these ideals.

For instance, while Harris has positioned herself as a reformer in criminal justice, her past actions often tell a different story. She resisted calls for independent investigations into police shootings, opposed statewide standards for body cameras, and defended California’s death penalty in court despite claiming personal opposition to it. These actions suggest a tendency toward political expediency rather than a steadfast commitment to truth and justice (Democratic Party, 2020).

Further complicating Harris’s and the Democratic Party’s stance on transparency is their handling of President Joe Biden’s mental health. Concerns have been raised by both opponents and independent observers about Biden’s cognitive abilities. Despite mounting evidence and public missteps that suggest a decline, Harris and her party have consistently downplayed or outright dismissed these concerns, labeling them as baseless attacks. This approach not only undermines public trust but also raises serious questions about the integrity of the Democratic Party’s leadership (Democratic Party, 2020).

Critiquing the Political System and Media

Beyond the individual candidates, the broader political system and media landscape in the United States are rife with problems that undermine truth and integrity. The media, which should serve as a check on power, has become increasingly polarized, often prioritizing sensationalism over objective reporting. This polarization contributes to the spread of misinformation and deepens divisions within the electorate.

Both the Republican and Democratic platforms utilize media narratives to their advantage, often at the expense of truth. The Republican platform accuses the media of collusion with the Democratic Party, framing Trump and his supporters as victims of a corrupt system. Meanwhile, Democratic narratives often paint Trump and his supporters as existential threats to democracy, creating a climate of fear and distrust that makes honest dialogue nearly impossible (Republican National Committee, 2024; Democratic Party, 2020).

The political system itself is also deeply flawed. The influence of money in politics, through lobbying and corporate donations, has created an environment where policies are often shaped by financial interests rather than the common good. This reality is a far cry from the biblical call for leaders to serve with integrity and justice, ensuring that the needs of the vulnerable and marginalized are prioritized.

Candidates’ Stance on Israel

An important aspect of the 2024 election that must be considered is each candidate’s stance on Israel, a key ally of the United States and a nation of significant biblical importance. Israel’s security and the U.S.-Israel relationship have been central issues in American foreign policy, particularly among evangelical voters who view the state of Israel as fulfilling biblical prophecy.

Donald Trump and Israel

Donald Trump has been one of the most pro-Israel presidents in American history. During his first term, Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. embassy there, a move that was long promised by previous presidents but never executed. He also recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights and brokered the Abraham Accords, which normalized relations between Israel and several Arab nations (Republican National Committee, 2024).

These actions have solidified Trump’s standing with pro-Israel voters, particularly evangelical Christians. However, critics argue that while these moves have strengthened Israel’s geopolitical standing, they have also increased tensions in the Middle East, particularly with Palestine and Iran, and have further complicated the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Kamala Harris and Israel

Kamala Harris, as part of the Democratic ticket, has expressed strong support for Israel’s right to exist and defend itself. However, the Democratic Party has increasingly been divided on the issue, with a growing faction advocating for a more balanced approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This includes more vocal criticism of Israeli settlement policies and calls for human rights considerations in U.S. foreign aid to Israel (Democratic Party, 2020).

Harris has walked a fine line between supporting Israel and acknowledging the concerns of progressive Democrats. This has led to some ambiguity in her stance, which may be seen as a lack of full commitment to Israel’s security. Her approach reflects the broader Democratic Party’s shift towards a more nuanced, and some would say, less supportive stance on Israel compared to the unequivocal support seen during Trump’s administration.

Comparing Platforms to Biblical Principles

In evaluating the candidates’ platforms, we must critically assess how their words and actions align—or fail to align—with biblical principles. Below is a comparison table that highlights key areas where Trump and Harris either align with or diverge from biblical ethics.
Comparison Table: Truth and Integrity in Leadership

Detailed Analysis

Public Affirmations of Faith

Donald Trump has frequently invoked God in his speeches and public statements, often framing his policies as aligned with divine will. However, these affirmations often lack the humility and repentance that Scripture associates with true faith. His personal and business conduct, marked by multiple controversies, raises serious questions about the sincerity of these affirmations (Republican National Committee, 2024).

Kamala Harris, while less vocal about her faith on the campaign trail, acknowledges her Christian upbringing. Yet, her support for policies that conflict with biblical teachings on life and family, such as abortion rights and LGBTQ rights, casts doubt on how deeply these beliefs influence her political decisions. Additionally, Harris’s and the Democratic Party’s handling of President Biden’s mental health has further complicated the perception of her integrity. By dismissing valid concerns and pushing a narrative that ignores evident issues, Harris and her party risk alienating voters who value transparency and truthfulness, both of which are critical components of biblical integrity (Democratic Party, 2020).

Honesty in Communication

Both candidates have been criticized for their handling of the truth. Trump’s frequent exaggerations and misleading statements, particularly on issues like the economy and public health, contrast sharply with the biblical command to speak truthfully. These actions undermine the trust required of a leader, making it difficult for voters to fully believe in his stated goals and promises (Republican National Committee, 2024).

Harris’s record, while less egregious, includes instances of shifting positions and political expediency, which suggest a willingness to bend the truth for political gain. Her dismissal of concerns regarding Biden’s cognitive health, in particular, reflects a prioritization of political power over transparency, further eroding public trust (Democratic Party, 2020).

Ethical Behavior

The ethical behavior of both candidates is a matter of serious concern. Trump’s personal and business life has been marked by controversies that raise questions about his integrity. These include accusations of fraud, mistreatment of women, and a pattern of litigation that suggests a willingness to use the legal system for personal gain. His actions, while often framed as “tough” or “unconventional,” frequently conflict with the biblical standard of integrity in leadership (Republican National Committee, 2024).

Harris, while less scandal-prone, has been accused of political expediency, particularly in her evolving positions on criminal justice. Furthermore, her and the Democratic Party’s handling of the concerns over Biden’s mental health suggest a willingness to sidestep truth for the sake of political expediency. As Christians, we must hold our leaders to the standard of Proverbs 12:22, which calls for integrity in all dealings. Neither candidate fully meets this standard, highlighting the moral complexity of our choices (Democratic Party, 2020).


Accountability is a critical aspect of leadership, and both candidates have positioned themselves as champions of accountability—Trump against the “deep state” and Harris against systemic injustice. However, both have faced significant criticism in this area. Trump’s numerous legal challenges and Harris’s controversial decisions as a prosecutor suggest that neither candidate fully embodies the biblical principle of accountability to God and others James 3:1.

Stance on Israel

Donald Trump’s presidency was marked by significant actions in support of Israel, including the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the relocation of the U.S. embassy there. His administration also recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights and facilitated the Abraham Accords, which normalized relations between Israel and several Arab nations (Republican National Committee, 2024). These moves have solidified his support among pro-Israel voters, particularly evangelical Christians who see these actions as aligning with biblical prophecy.

Kamala Harris, while supportive of Israel’s right to exist and defend itself, represents a Democratic Party increasingly divided on the issue. The party has seen a growing faction that is critical of Israeli policies, particularly regarding settlements and treatment of Palestinians. Harris’s more balanced approach, which includes calls for addressing Palestinian rights, reflects this shift. However, this stance may be seen as less robust in supporting Israel compared to Trump’s policies, creating uncertainty among pro-Israel voters (Democratic Party, 2020).

Applying Biblical Principles in Today’s Context

As we apply these biblical principles to the 2024 election, it becomes clear that neither candidate perfectly aligns with the values of truth and integrity as outlined in Scripture. However, as Christians, we are not called to seek perfection in our leaders—only Christ is perfect—but we are called to discern which candidate more closely aligns with biblical principles and to advocate for truth and integrity in all aspects of our lives.

Given the significant shortcomings of both candidates, it’s crucial to acknowledge that our role as Christians goes beyond merely casting a vote. We must engage in active, ongoing advocacy for truth, integrity, and biblical values, regardless of who occupies the Oval Office. This election is not just about choosing a leader; it’s about reaffirming our commitment to live out the gospel in every area of our lives, including our political engagement.

Reflection Questions

  1. How do the candidates’ actions align with biblical principles, and where do they fall short?
  2. In what ways can Christians navigate the tension between public affirmations of faith and actions that do not align with Scripture?
  3. What practical steps can we take to hold our leaders accountable to biblical standards of truth and integrity, both before and after the election?

Action Steps

Type your new text here.
  1. Pray for Discernment: Seek God’s wisdom in navigating the complexities of this election. Ask for the ability to discern not just the words but the actions and character of each candidate.
  2. Engage in Dialogue: Discuss these issues with fellow believers, challenging each other to think critically and biblically about the choices before us. Encourage others to prioritize truth and integrity over party loyalty.
  3. Hold Leaders Accountable: Regardless of who wins the election, commit to holding our leaders accountable to biblical standards. This can be done through respectful dialogue, voting in local elections, and participating in civic activities that promote transparency and integrity.
  4. Support Biblical Values: Consider supporting candidates or causes that uphold biblical values, even if they are not part of the major parties. The integrity of our political system depends on the active participation of believers who are committed to truth.
  5. Educate Yourself: Stay informed about the candidates’ actions and policies, not just their rhetoric. Seek out reliable sources of information and be wary of media bias, which can distort the truth.

Conclusion and Call to Action

The 2024 presidential election is a significant moment for Christians in America. While neither Donald Trump nor Kamala Harris fully aligns with the biblical standards of truth and integrity, the responsibility falls on us as believers to critically assess their platforms and actions. Trump’s frequent public affirmations of God are noteworthy, but they must be weighed against his record of ethical lapses and dishonesty. Harris’s commitment to social justice and transparency is commendable, but her inconsistencies and support for policies that conflict with biblical teachings on life and family are deeply troubling.

As Christians, our ultimate allegiance is not to any political party or candidate but to Christ. We are called to be salt and light in the world, standing for truth and integrity in all we do. This means that we must engage critically with the political process, holding our leaders to the highest standards of accountability and truthfulness, while also acknowledging that no candidate will ever fully meet the standard set by Scripture.

I encourage you to prayerfully consider your vote, not just based on party lines or campaign promises but on a deep and thoughtful reflection of how each candidate’s platform and character align with the teachings of the Bible. Let us be a people who value truth over convenience, integrity over expediency, and God’s Word over the shifting sands of political rhetoric.


As we navigate this election season, it’s important to remember that our hope is not in any political leader but in Jesus Christ, the King of Kings. C.S. Lewis wisely observed, “Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you will get neither.” Our aim must always be higher than the temporal concerns of this world. We are called to be in the world but not of it, to engage with the issues of our day while keeping our eyes fixed on the eternal truths of Scripture.

While it may be tempting to align ourselves fully with one candidate or another, we must resist the urge to compromise on the core values of our faith. Let us be discerning, critical, and prayerful, seeking to honor God in all that we do—including in the way we vote. And as we do, let us also be gracious, remembering that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God Romans 3:23, and that our ultimate task is to point others to the One who embodies perfect truth and integrity—Jesus Christ.

Call to Action

As you prepare to cast your vote, take time to reflect on the insights shared in this post. Engage with your community, discuss these issues with fellow believers, and encourage others to approach the election with a biblical mindset. Pray for our nation and its leaders, asking God to guide our country according to His will. And above all, remain steadfast in your commitment to truth and integrity, knowing that in doing so, you are bearing witness to the character of Christ in a world that desperately needs it.

Let us strive to be a people who not only speak the truth but live it out in every aspect of our lives, including our political engagement. May God grant us wisdom, courage, and a steadfast commitment to His Word as we navigate these challenging times.


  • Democratic Party. (2020). 2020 Democratic Party Platform. https://democrats.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/2020-Democratic-Party-Platform.pdf
  • Republican National Committee. (2024). The 2024 Republican Platform. https://www.rnc.gov
  • Trump, D. J. (2024). Donald Trump 2024 Campaign Platform. https://donaldjtrump.com
  • Scripture quotations are from the Legacy Standard Bible (LSB).
Stay tuned for the next post in our series, where we’ll dive into the critical issues of Compassion and Care for the Needy: how the candidates’ healthcare and social services policies measure up to biblical standards of love and justice.
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Chris Reighley

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