Caring for God’s Creation: Environmental Policies and Biblical Stewardship

Caring for God’s Creation: Environmental Policies and Biblical Stewardship

The United States stands at a pivotal crossroads in 2024, navigating a complex cultural landscape marked by the erosion of traditional values, the rising influence of the Woke Movement, and a pervasive lack of a biblical worldview in public discourse. As the presidential election approaches, it is crucial for Christians to critically examine the platforms of the candidates, comparing them against the unchanging truths of Scripture. This blog series, Navigating Today’s Challenges Through a Biblical Lens: A Comparison of Presidential Platforms, aims to equip believers with the knowledge to navigate these complex issues and make informed decisions rooted in faith.

In this post, we will delve into the topic of environmental stewardship, exploring the biblical mandate to care for God’s creation and evaluating the environmental policies proposed by the leading presidential candidates. Our objective is to discern how these policies align with the biblical call to stewardship and to provide a scriptural-based view of this critical issue.

What the Bible Says About Environmental Stewardship

Scriptural Basis

The Bible provides a clear mandate for humanity’s responsibility to care for the environment. From the very beginning, God entrusted His creation to mankind, giving us the role of stewards. Genesis 1:28-30 states:

“And God blessed them; and God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.’ Then God said, ‘Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you; and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to everything that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food’; and it was so.”

This passage emphasizes the dominion mandate, where humans are called to rule over the earth responsibly, ensuring the flourishing of all creation. Similarly, Psalm 24:1 reminds us:

“The earth is Yahweh’s, and all it contains, the world, and those who dwell in it.”

This verse highlights that the earth belongs to God, and we are merely stewards entrusted with its care.

Theological Insights

Notable theologians have provided profound insights into the biblical call for environmental stewardship. John MacArthur, in his book “The Battle for the Beginning,” emphasizes that our dominion over the earth should reflect God’s character of care and provision, not exploitation. He argues that true stewardship involves preserving and nurturing creation as a reflection of God’s glory (MacArthur, 2001).

C.S. Lewis, in “The Problem of Pain,” discusses how nature reflects the Creator’s grandeur and goodness. He cautions against the human tendency to exploit natural resources selfishly and calls for a reverent and responsible approach to creation care (Lewis, 1940).

Where the Candidates Stand on Environmental Policies

Donald Trump and the GOP

Donald Trump and the Republican Party prioritize economic growth and energy independence, often advocating for reduced regulations on industries to stimulate economic activity. Their platform emphasizes:

  • Energy Independence: Promoting fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, to reduce reliance on foreign energy sources.
  • Deregulation: Reducing environmental regulations to encourage business growth and job creation.
  • Conservation Efforts: Supporting voluntary conservation programs and private sector-led initiatives for environmental preservation.

The 2024 GOP Platform states:
“Republicans will unleash Energy Production from all sources, including nuclear, to immediately slash Inflation and power American homes, cars, and factories with reliable, abundant, and affordable Energy” (Republican National Committee, 2024).

Kamala Harris and the Democrats

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party emphasize aggressive action on climate change and environmental justice. Their platform includes:

  • Green New Deal: Implementing policies to transition to renewable energy sources and achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. However, critics argue that this approach would devastate the economy, leading to job losses and increased energy costs (, 2020).
  • Environmental Justice: Addressing the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on marginalized communities. There are concerns that such policies would be mismanaged due to human sinfulness, leading to excessive government control over people’s behavior (American Action Forum, 2020).
  • Regulation and Conservation: Strengthening environmental regulations to protect natural resources and public health.

The 2020 Democratic Party Platform states:
“We must act urgently to combat climate change and protect our planet for future generations. Our policies will prioritize clean energy, environmental justice, and sustainable development” (Democratic National Committee, 2020).

Analyzing the Green New Deal and Environmental Justice

Economic Impact of the Green New Deal

The Green New Deal (GND) has been a subject of intense debate regarding its economic feasibility and impact. Some estimates suggest that the GND could cost up to $93 trillion over a decade, largely due to assumptions about broad social programs included within its scope. Critics argue that such extensive spending could devastate the economy, leading to significant job losses and increased energy costs. The upfront capital cost of transitioning to a 100% wind-water-solar energy system is estimated at around $9.5 trillion, but this cost is spread out over many years and could pay for itself through electricity sales and reduced health and climate costs (Jacobson et al., 2020;, 2020; American Action Forum, 2020).

Potential Mismanagement of Environmental Justice

Environmental justice aims to address the disproportionate impact of environmental hazards on marginalized communities. However, there are valid concerns about the potential mismanagement of such policies due to human sinfulness. History has shown that large-scale government interventions can sometimes lead to unintended consequences, including excessive control over people’s behavior and economic disruptions. Critics argue that the GND’s ambitious goals, coupled with the complexity of implementing fair and effective environmental justice policies, could result in inefficiencies and failures (American Action Forum, 2020).

Critical Views on Climate Change

There is considerable skepticism about the accuracy and urgency of some climate change narratives. For instance, while the majority of scientists agree on human-caused climate change, there is debate over the extent and impact of these changes. Some research indicates that climate models may not fully account for natural climate variability and may overestimate the influence of CO2 on global temperatures (Nature, 2020; State of the Planet, 2020). Moreover, the phenomenon known as “journalistic whiplash” has contributed to public confusion, as media often presents contradictory scientific findings without context, giving the appearance of a heated debate where there may be none (State of the Planet, 2020).

Balancing Stewardship and Economic Realities

While the spirit of the Democratic Party’s approach to environmental stewardship aligns with biblical principles of care for creation, it is crucial to consider the potential economic and social ramifications of the proposed policies. The GND’s ambitious timeline and broad scope may not be realistic, and the potential for economic harm and government overreach must be weighed carefully against the benefits of aggressive climate action.

Detailed Analysis

Donald Trump’s platform, with its emphasis on fossil fuels and deregulation, reflects a focus on immediate economic benefits but often overlooks the long-term impact on creation. While economic growth is important, the biblical mandate calls for a balance between utilizing resources and preserving the environment for future generations. The lack of aggressive action on climate change in Trump’s platform is a significant divergence from the biblical principle of caring for creation.

Kamala Harris’s platform aligns more closely with the biblical call for stewardship, emphasizing renewable energy, environmental justice, and urgent action on climate change. The focus on addressing environmental disparities reflects the biblical call for justice and equity. However, the Green New Deal’s potential to devastate the economy and the likelihood of environmental justice policies being mismanaged due to human sinfulness are significant concerns. These issues could lead to excessive government control over people’s behavior, which is contrary to the freedom and responsibility emphasized in the Bible.

Climate Change Theories and Historical Warnings

Over the last 40 years, many climate change theories and warnings have not materialized as predicted. This reality has led to skepticism about the urgency and accuracy of some climate change narratives. While it is important to critically assess these theories, it is equally crucial to acknowledge that God has given us the responsibility to care for His creation. We must balance skepticism with proactive stewardship, ensuring that we do not neglect our biblical mandate to nurture and protect the environment (Frontiers in Psychology, 2020; Nature, 2020; State of the Planet, 2020).


Overall, Kamala Harris’s environmental policies align more closely with the biblical principles of stewardship and care for creation. Her platform’s focus on renewable energy, climate action, and environmental justice reflects a commitment to preserving God’s creation and promoting equity.

However, it is crucial to recognize that while Harris’s approach may be closer to God’s view on environmental stewardship, it is also essential to maintain the balance central to the Dominion Mandate. This mandate emphasizes the priority of mankind over the environment, ensuring that human well-being is not compromised by environmental policies. If the environment is placed above humanity, it deviates from God’s plan for man.

Additionally, the potential economic devastation from the Green New Deal and the mismanagement of environmental justice policies due to human sinfulness must be carefully considered.

Applying Biblical Principles in Today’s Context

Reflection Questions

  1. How does your understanding of biblical stewardship influence your views on environmental policies?
  2. What steps can you take to promote environmental sustainability in your community?
  3. How can you advocate for policies that reflect the biblical call to care for creation?

Action Steps

  1. Educate Yourself and Others: Learn about environmental issues and the biblical mandate for stewardship. Share this knowledge with your community through discussions, workshops, and social media.
  2. Support Sustainable Practices: Adopt and promote sustainable practices in your daily life, such as reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting eco-friendly products and businesses.
  3. Engage in Advocacy: Advocate for policies that align with biblical principles of stewardship and justice. Contact your elected representatives, participate in community initiatives, and support organizations working towards environmental sustainability.

Conclusion and Call to Action


In conclusion, the biblical mandate for environmental stewardship calls us to care for God’s creation responsibly, reflecting His character of provision and care. As we approach the 2024 presidential election, it is crucial to evaluate the candidates’ environmental policies through the lens of Scripture. While neither platform aligns perfectly with biblical principles, Kamala Harris’s emphasis on renewable energy, climate action, and environmental justice aligns more closely with the biblical call to stewardship and care for creation.

However, it is essential to ensure that environmental policies do not place the environment above human well-being, maintaining the balance central to the Dominion Mandate.

Additionally, the potential economic devastation from the Green New Deal and the mismanagement of environmental justice policies due to human sinfulness must be carefully considered.


Reflect on these insights and pray for wisdom as you prepare to vote. Consider how your choices can contribute to the flourishing of God’s creation and the well-being of future generations.

Call to Action

Share your thoughts in the comments below and discuss how we can advocate for a culture of environmental stewardship in our communities. Let us strive to honor God in all aspects of our lives, including our care for His creation.


It is crucial to vote with a conscience informed by Scripture, seeking leaders who will uphold the principles of stewardship, justice, and care for creation. By aligning our choices with biblical values, we can make a meaningful impact on our world and reflect God’s glory in all that we do.


  • American Action Forum. (2020). The Green New Deal: Scope, Scale, and Implications. Retrieved from American Action Forum.
  • Democratic National Committee. (2020). 2020 Democratic Party Platform. Retrieved from Democratic National Committee.
  • (2020). How Much Will the ‘Green New Deal’ Cost?. Retrieved from
  • Frontiers in Psychology. (2020). Correlates of climate change skepticism. Retrieved from Frontiers in Psychology.
  • Jacobson, M., Benson, S., & Jackson, R. (2020). Strengths and weaknesses of the Green New Deal. Stanford Report. Retrieved from Stanford Report.
  • Lewis, C. S. (1940). The Problem of Pain. HarperOne.
  • MacArthur, J. (2001). The Battle for the Beginning. Thomas Nelson.
  • Nature. (2020). Understanding climate change skeptics. Retrieved from Nature.
  • Republican National Committee. (2024). RNC 2024 Platform. Retrieved from Republican National Committee.
  • State of the Planet. (2020). Answering Claims of the Climate Skeptics: An Introduction. Retrieved from State of the Planet.
This blog post is part of the series Navigating Today’s Challenges Through a Biblical Lens: A Comparison of Presidential Platforms by Chris Reighley, an ordained chaplain and Colson Fellow. The series aims to provide a scriptural-based view of contemporary issues and analyze the candidates’ platforms through a biblical worldview.
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Chris Reighley

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