Building Strong Families: Parental Rights and Educational Policies

Building Strong Families: Parental Rights and Educational Policies

In today’s rapidly changing cultural landscape, the importance of strong family structures cannot be overstated. As the United States approaches a pivotal presidential election, understanding the candidates’ positions on family and parenting is crucial for making informed decisions. This blog post, part of our series Navigating Today’s Challenges Through a Biblical Lens: A Comparison of Presidential Platforms, will explore parental rights and educational policies through the lens of a biblical worldview. We will compare the platforms of major presidential candidates, evaluate how these policies align with biblical principles, and offer insights on how believers can navigate these complex issues.

What the Bible Says About Family and Parenting

Scriptural Basis

The Bible provides clear guidance on the importance of family and the role of parents in the upbringing of their children. Two key passages that highlight these principles are Deuteronomy 6:6-7 and Ephesians 6:4:

Deuteronomy 6:6-7: “These words, which I am commanding you today, shall be on your heart. And you shall teach them diligently to your sons and shall speak of them when you sit in your house and when you walk on the road and when you lie down and when you rise up.”

Ephesians 6:4: “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.”

These verses underscore the responsibility of parents to instill godly values and teachings in their children. Parenting is not merely a biological function but a spiritual calling to raise children in the fear and admonition of the Lord.

Theological Insights

Prominent theologians have long emphasized the centrality of the family in God’s design. John MacArthur, in his exposition on Ephesians, notes that the family is the primary institution for spiritual and moral instruction. He states, “The family is God’s first institution, established long before the church and even before the state. It is the foundational building block of society” (MacArthur, 1986).

C.S. Lewis, in his book The Four Loves, elaborates on the nature of familial love (storge) and its vital role in providing a stable environment for children. He writes, “Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our natural lives” (Lewis, 1960).

Where the Candidates Stand on Parental Rights and Educational Policies

Donald Trump and the GOP

Donald Trump and the Republican Party emphasize parental rights and school choice. Their platform advocates for policies that empower parents to choose the best educational options for their children, including charter schools, private schools, and homeschooling. They argue that educational competition will lead to better outcomes for students and greater accountability for schools.

Direct Quotes:
Donald Trump: “We believe that every parent should have the right to choose the best educational environment for their children” (Trump, n.d.).
GOP Platform: “We support a parent’s right to direct their children’s education, whether it be public, private, charter, homeschool, or online” (GOP, n.d.).

Kamala Harris and the Democrats

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party focus on increasing funding for public schools, ensuring equitable access to quality education, and supporting teachers. They emphasize the importance of a strong public education system and propose policies to reduce educational disparities. They also support universal pre-kindergarten and expanded access to childcare.

Direct Quotes:
Kamala Harris: “Every child deserves a quality education, no matter their zip code or family income” (Harris, n.d.).
Democratic Platform: “We will make sure that every child has access to high-quality public education from early childhood through high school” (Democrats, n.d.).

Detailed Analysis

Parental Rights:

Donald Trump and the GOP’s emphasis on school choice aligns closely with the biblical principle of parental responsibility in education. By empowering parents to select the best educational environment for their children, this platform supports the idea that parents are the primary educators and should have significant control over their children’s upbringing.

Kamala Harris and the Democrats’ focus on strengthening the public education system highlights the importance of equitable access to quality education for all children. While this approach aligns with biblical teachings on justice and fairness, it places more trust in the state to deliver these outcomes rather than empowering individual families.

Educational Funding:

The GOP’s support for vouchers and private education options reflects a desire to introduce market dynamics into the education system, potentially leading to improved quality through competition. This approach supports the biblical value of stewardship, as it encourages efficiency and accountability.

The Democratic platform’s emphasis on increased funding for public schools is rooted in the principle of fairness and the desire to provide equal opportunities for all children. This aligns with biblical calls for justice and care for the marginalized but may not address the individual needs and preferences of all families.

Early Childhood Education:

Both platforms recognize the importance of early childhood education, though they approach it differently. The GOP’s support for parental choice allows families to decide how and where their children receive early education. The Democratic focus on universal pre-K and expanded childcare aims to ensure that all children, regardless of their background, have access to early learning opportunities. Both approaches have merits from a biblical perspective, as Proverbs 22:6 emphasizes the importance of early instruction in a child’s life.


Overall, the GOP platform on parental rights and educational policies aligns more closely with the biblical emphasis on parental responsibility and choice in education. The Democratic platform’s focus on equity and access reflects important biblical values of justice and care for the vulnerable but may not empower parents to the same extent. Both platforms offer valuable insights and approaches that can be informed by a biblical worldview.

Applying Biblical Principles in Today’s Context

Reflection Questions

  1. How do your personal beliefs about family and education align with the biblical view of parental responsibility and choice?
  2. What steps can you take to ensure that your educational choices for your children reflect your faith and values?
  3. How can you support policies and initiatives that balance parental rights with equitable access to quality education for all children?

Action Steps

  1. Educate Yourself: Take time to thoroughly research the candidates’ platforms on education and parental rights. Understand the implications of their policies for your family and community.
  2. Get Involved: Consider participating in local school boards or parent-teacher associations to advocate for policies that align with biblical principles.
  3. Support Educational Choice: Look for ways to support educational options that empower parents and provide quality education, whether through donations, volunteering, or political advocacy.
  4. Pray for Wisdom: Seek God’s guidance in making educational decisions for your children and in supporting policies that reflect biblical values.

Conclusion and Call to Action


In conclusion, the issue of parental rights and educational policies is critical for the future of our families and society. As believers, we are called to raise our children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord, and this includes making informed decisions about their education. By comparing the platforms of the major presidential candidates, we can better understand how their policies align with biblical principles.


Reflect on these insights and pray for wisdom as you prepare to vote. Remember that our ultimate goal is to honor God in all aspects of life, including how we educate and raise our children.

Call to Action

Share your thoughts in the comments below and discuss how we can advocate for policies that support strong families and parental rights. Let’s work together to ensure that our children receive the education they need to grow in their faith and fulfill their God-given potential.


As we navigate these complex issues, it is crucial to vote with a conscience informed by Scripture. While no candidate or party will perfectly align with biblical principles, we must seek leaders who uphold values that reflect God’s design for family and education. By doing so, we can contribute to building a society that honors God and supports the flourishing of all its members.


  • Democrats. (n.d.). Our Platform. Retrieved from
  • GOP. (n.d.). Republican Platform. Retrieved from
  • Harris, K. (n.d.). Kamala Harris: Education. Retrieved from
  • Lewis, C. S. (1960). The Four Loves. Geoffrey Bles.
  • MacArthur, J. (1986). The MacArthur New Testament Commentary: Ephesians. Moody Publishers.
  • Trump, D. J. (n.d.). Donald J. Trump: Education. Retrieved from

Additional Resources
  • MacArthur, J. (2008). The Fulfilled Family: God’s Design for Your Home. Thomas Nelson.
  • Lewis, C. S. (1952). Mere Christianity. HarperOne.
  • Piper, J. (2011). This Momentary Marriage: A Parable of Permanence. Crossway.
By aligning our educational choices with biblical principles and supporting policies that empower parents, we can build strong families that honor God and reflect His love and wisdom to the world. Let’s pray for wisdom and courage as we navigate these crucial decisions in the upcoming election.
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Chris Reighley

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